Why do you only offer sharing menus and not à la carte at Plates?
À la carte menus focus on the desire for total individual freedom of choice. The Plates concept was born out of a dream to put the joint dining experience at the center. We are the standard-bearer for a food culture where people – through meals – feel like sharing thoughts, words, impressions and feelings with each other. So of course you share the food with us!
We have spent many hours creating a unique sharing universe and draw on gastronomic expertise as well as neuroscience. We share the result with you!
Why is it so important to share the dishes?
When people share a meal; e.g. passing a dish around, giving each other food and toasts, yes, it triggers a super-efficient chemical chain reaction in the body and brain, which both makes us happy, loving and ready to get the best out of a meal or an experience.
Research shows that the meal is actually an excellent channel for creating connectedness between people. In short, a shared meal releases endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin and promotes joy, well-being, satisfaction and even the feeling of connection with others.
We think it is more important than ever to demand a food culture where we connect with each other and give ourselves time to create deep connections with each other. There is enough to talk about and be together about in a conflict-filled and complex world.
Why do you have so much Italian and French on the menu?
First of all, the Italian and French cuisines are our favorite cuisines. Many Danes have a fondness for these cuisines and gastronomically these cuisines open up a wealth of possibilities.
In addition, several Italian and French dishes are very sharing-friendly and “the shared” is an essential part of the Mediterranean food culture, which completely aligns with our credo “he who shares, gets more”.
Why is the Family Style main course served on one large platter?
The dish with the main course is large because we want to create the special atmosphere that arises when you eat a dish together at home – where one typically scoops the food onto plates and distributes the food to everyone around the table.
Because when you hand over a plate to your fellow diner, it immediately kickstarts eye contact and gives rise to dialogue and conversation about the food. And then you are in the process of connecting with each other.
Why don’t you sit at long tables when your concept is to share?
At Plates, we understand that you may need to focus all your attention on your closest relationships. Many people relate to many people in the course of a day and therefore, naturally enough, there is a need for many to slow down, “zoom” in on and cultivate very close relationships.
When you sit at long tables, it is more difficult to “zoom in” and focus on the close relationships.
Why do you eat our snacks with your fingers?
When you have direct contact with food, it activates both dopamine, which gives a feeling of satisfaction, and even oxytocin, which gives a feeling of attachment. “Finger food” awakens the senses and prepares the body to experience with full attention and thus you get a greater benefit from the meal experience as a whole.
We really make an effort to create a nice setting, a present host and tasty food. If you, as a guest, want to get the most out of our efforts, then it requires that you feel prepared for it. That is why we also make an effort to prepare you, for example with the help of our snacks.
Why is it important to satisfy your senses when eating our menu?
Do not worry; we promise to fill your stomach. But there are so many who want to. We want much more than that. We want to inspire you to discover the fabulous ability of the meal to be a “charger” for the soul and intellect.
The meal has become a key event for the cohesion of modern people. During the meal, busy people can bring the “primordial man” to life by actively using their senses for a while, spending focused time together and – if the conditions are present – connecting with each other, becoming wiser, more loving and more attentive.
We think that this is needed more than ever in a world that many people experience as demanding and exhausting.
Why do you have so many non-alcoholic drinks?
Make no mistake. We enjoy alcoholic beverages at Plates and we offer a wide range of alcoholic beverages, but we also believe in the “everything in moderation” approach. Alcohol is a psychoactive substance and, when consumed in moderation, can contribute to activating the senses and making one relaxed, open and thus ready to experience a meal in an optimal way.
However, alcohol can also have the opposite effect if not enjoyed in moderation. That is why you will find numerous tasty drinks without alcohol on the menu, so that you can balance your intake and have a nice and optimal meal experience.